June Showcase: Vicki Ambery Smith

Vicki Ambery-Smith’s distinctive style of silversmithing reflects her deep passion for architecture. Using fabrication and trompe d’oel to use architecture to inspire fantasy or trigger memories through interpretation of particular buildings. She specialises in celebratory and commemorative pieces which capture the client’s love and affection for a building of special significance. Growing up in Oxford initially inspired her and she studied jewellery design at the famous Hornsey College of Art before being awarded a Crafts Council grant to establish her own workshop in 1977.

She has exhibited widely ever since and her work has been selected for many public and private collections around the world, including the Royal Scottish Museum, Norwich Castle Museum, Los Angeles Museum for Contemporary Art and Houston University, Texas. The Victoria & Albert Museum, London, acquired a selection of her design drawings as well as pieces for their jewellery and silver departments