Camilla West

Camilla West is a Kent-based designer known for her raw, contemporary style with themes of beauty in imperfection, strength through authenticity and meaningful connection with the natural world and other people. 

Camilla’s making process is intuitive, refining and amending her designs as she works. A 10 month residency in Spain helped shape her preferences for earthy textures and contrasts in colour and form and inspires her to create bold and experimental pieces. The gemstones she works with, created naturally over millions of years, remind her of the majesty of our ancient world and how recently we’ve arrived in it.

Camilla values sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials: she uses recycled metals and is building her collection of ethical, traceable gemstones available for commissions. She is a member of Craft Central, the Association of Contemporary Jewellers and the Guild of Jewellery Designers.

“Jewellery is powerful: in wearing it, we broadcast aspects of our character and values. We ask others to share our delight in our treasures. Our jewellery can spark up conversations with strangers. There’s vulnerability in differentiating ourselves as individuals, and that openness can allow others to trust us and build fulfilling connections together.“

“My pieces for this month’s showcase “the Great Outdoors” celebrate the richness of our planet. I want people to be reminded of the aeons that it took to form the world beneath our feet without any human intervention, the stunning beauty and variety of minerals created naturally by chemical, tectonic, geographic and biological processes, the probability-defying fossilisation of ancient seashells into iridescent wonders, the raw beauty of our natural environment.”