Disgraceful Jewellery (Grace Miell)
Born in East London, the streets and surrounding society are key themes present in Grace's work. Their pieces push the boundaries of our initial perception of objects, working with overlooked and often frowned upon materials, specifically laughing gas canisters. Their jewellery utilises satire and humour to address issues around politics, power, inequality, class and gender.
As an autistic person creating collections of materials and jewellery drives Grace's fascination with trying to navigate society and is a key form of communication through their work.
Their design process is material lead and ordinarily begins with testing the material's capacity to be reworked and transformed, whilst maintaining subtle hints of its previous life. Initially, Graces work is visually striking, and often the materials register later, encouraging a closer inspection of the jewellery pieces highlighting the value of using found alternative materials and applying jewellery techniques to create them.